



Apple Mac OS X of CFNetwork User-trackable vulnerabilities

Trust: 0.8

sources: JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476


CFNetwork in Apple Mac OS X before 10.7.2 does not properly follow an intended cookie-storage policy, which makes it easier for remote web servers to track users via a cookie, related to a "synchronization issue.". The update addresses new vulnerabilities that affect Application Firewall, ATS, CFNetwork, CoreMedia, CoreProcesses, CoreStorage, File Systems, IOGraphics, Kernel, MediaKit, Open Directory, QuickTime, SMB File Server, User Documentation, and libsecurity. Apple Mac OS X is prone to a security vulnerability that has been addressed in Security Update 2011-006. Attackers can exploit this issue to bypass certain security restrictions and to store cookies. Other attacks may also be possible. The following are vulnerable: Mac OS X versions 10.6.8 and prior Mac OS X Server versions 10.6.8 and prior. Apple has released updates to address these vulnerabilities. I. Apple has released updates to address these vulnerabilities. II. Impact A remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code, cause a denial of service, or gain unauthorized access to your files or system. III. This advisory describes any known issues related to the updates and the specific impacts for each vulnerability. Administrators are encouraged to note these issues and impacts and test for any potentially adverse effects before wide-scale deployment. IV. Please send email to <> with "TA11-286A Feedback VU#421739" in the subject. ____________________________________________________________________ For instructions on subscribing to or unsubscribing from this mailing list, visit <>. ____________________________________________________________________ Produced 2011 by US-CERT, a government organization. Terms of use: <> ____________________________________________________________________ Revision History October 13, 2011: Initial release -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) iQEVAwUBTpb8zj/GkGVXE7GMAQI21Af/SHWzIangqPW9vtuG/MQWSBMy9nG4wIZS DUEAWBEMPTKF3fLrIy6TVpRLN3q/q4dCYXzM4lec4IzKvEbV/bUyg15xEfYdxB0v s/vARGNwf7tjSbjo+PaHLuSZ1HLn/GLO3CXaf+ut/Kb8y9Fsir5klMgrCX/N0JkY dLoV9R6zGs1aQzmF9ULB1IQ2/lUkg6CGnyARh0prfhRFwKfu7NZXb8yz5ex68q6V NF6j9l+XK0Cl4K7R+0ESD4e47jLCg6iN175O8VzrlxiRvBRAyTaFycdMB4uSkmii xu8SqU2QFhsIJy8J+i1Bb6kuWkaxAnUbxO4tRrmXoqTXl9m0CtpnWA== =3Wp2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- . Further information is available via the Apache web site at CVE-ID CVE-2011-0419 CVE-2011-3192 Application Firewall Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Executing a binary with a maliciously crafted name may lead to arbitrary code execution with elevated privileges Description: A format string vulnerability existed in Application Firewall's debug logging. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0185 : an anonymous reporter ATS Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing or downloading a document containing a maliciously crafted embedded font may lead to arbitrary code execution Description: A signedness issue existed in ATS' handling of Type 1 fonts. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3437 ATS Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing or downloading a document containing a maliciously crafted embedded font may lead to arbitrary code execution Description: An out of bounds memory access issue existed in ATS' handling of Type 1 fonts. These issues are addressed by updating BIND to version 9.7.3-P3. These issues are addressed by updating BIND to version 9.6-ESV-R4-P3. Impact: Root certificates have been updated Description: Several trusted certificates were added to the list of system roots. Several existing certificates were updated to their most recent version. The complete list of recognized system roots may be viewed via the Keychain Access application. Safari's cookie preferences may not be honored, allowing websites to set cookies that would be blocked were the preference enforced. This update addresses the issue through improved handling of cookie storage. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0231 : Martin Tessarek, Steve Riggins of Geeks R Us, Justin C. Walker, and Stephen Creswell CFNetwork Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the disclosure of sensitive information Description: An issue existed in CFNetwork's handling of HTTP cookies. When accessing a maliciously crafted HTTP or HTTPS URL, CFNetwork could incorrectly send the cookies for a domain to a server outside that domain. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3246 : Erling Ellingsen of Facebook CoreFoundation Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted website or e-mail message may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A memory corruption issue existed in CoreFoundation's handling of string tokenization. This update addresses the issue through improved bounds checking. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0259 : Apple CoreMedia Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the disclosure of video data from another site Description: A cross-origin issue existed in CoreMedia's handling of cross-site redirects. This issue is addressed through improved origin tracking. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0187 : Nirankush Panchbhai and Microsoft Vulnerability Research (MSVR) CoreMedia Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: Multiple memory corruption issues existed in the handling of QuickTime movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0224 : Apple CoreProcesses Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: A person with physical access to a system may partially bypass the screen lock Description: A system window, such as a VPN password prompt, that appeared while the screen was locked may have accepted keystrokes while the screen was locked. This issue is addressed by preventing system windows from requesting keystrokes while the screen is locked. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0260 : Clint Tseng of the University of Washington, Michael Kobb, and Adam Kemp CoreStorage Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Converting to FileVault does not erase all existing data Description: After enabling FileVault, approximately 250MB at the start of the volume was left unencrypted on the disk in an unused area. Only data which was present on the volume before FileVault was enabled was left unencrypted. This issue is addressed by erasing this area when enabling FileVault, and on the first use of an encrypted volume affected by this issue. If the server presented a certificate chain that could not be automatically verified, a warning was displayed and the connection was closed. If the user clicked the "Continue" button in the warning dialog, any certificate was accepted on the following connection to that server. An attacker in a privileged network position may have manipulated the connection to obtain sensitive information or take action on the server on the user's behalf. This update addresses the issue by validating that the certificate received on the second connection is the same certificate originally presented to the user. When a password is required to wake from sleep, a person with physical access may be able to access the system without entering a password if the system is in display sleep mode. This update addresses the issue by ensuring that the lock screen is correctly activated in display sleep mode. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3214 : Apple iChat Server Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: A remote attacker may cause the Jabber server to consume system resources disproportionately Description: An issue existed in the handling of XML external entities in jabberd2, a server for the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). jabberd2 expands external entities in incoming requests. This allows an attacker to consume system resources very quickly, denying service to legitimate users of the server. This update addresses the issue by disabling entity expansion in incoming requests. CVE-ID CVE-2011-1755 Kernel Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: A person with physical access may be able to access the user's password Description: A logic error in the kernel's DMA protection permitted firewire DMA at loginwindow, boot, and shutdown, although not at screen lock. This update addresses the issue by preventing firewire DMA at all states where the user is not logged in. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3215 : Passware, Inc. Kernel Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: An unprivileged user may be able to delete another user's files in a shared directory Description: A logic error existed in the kernel's handling of file deletions in directories with the sticky bit. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3216 : Gordon Davisson of Crywolf, Linc Davis, R. Dormer, and Allan Schmid and Oliver Jeckel of brainworks Training libsecurity Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted website or e-mail message may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: An error handling issue existed when parsing a nonstandard certificate revocation list extension. These issues are addressed by improved encoding of characters in HTML output. Further information is available via the Mailman site at announce/2011-February/000158.html This issue does not affect OS X Lion systems. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0707 MediaKit Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Opening a maliciously crafted disk image may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: Multiple memory corruption issues existed in the handling of disk images. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3217 : Apple Open Directory Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Any user may read another local user's password data Description: An access control issue existed in Open Directory. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3435 : Arek Dreyer of Dreyer Network Consultants, Inc, and Patrick Dunstan at Open Directory Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: An authenticated user may change that account's password without providing the current password Description: An access control issue existed in Open Directory. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3436 : Patrick Dunstan at Open Directory Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: A user may be able to log in without a password Description: When Open Directory is bound to an LDAPv3 server using RFC2307 or custom mappings, such that there is no AuthenticationAuthority attribute for a user, an LDAP user may be allowed to log in without a password. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3226 : Jeffry Strunk of The University of Texas at Austin, Steven Eppler of Colorado Mesa University, Hugh Cole-Baker, and Frederic Metoz of Institut de Biologie Structurale PHP Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted PDF file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A signedness issue existed in FreeType's handling of Type 1 fonts. This issue is addressed by updating FreeType to version 2.4.6. Further information is available via the PHP website at CVE-ID CVE-2010-3436 CVE-2010-4645 CVE-2011-0420 CVE-2011-0421 CVE-2011-0708 CVE-2011-1092 CVE-2011-1153 CVE-2011-1466 CVE-2011-1467 CVE-2011-1468 CVE-2011-1469 CVE-2011-1470 CVE-2011-1471 postfix Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: An attacker in a privileged network position may manipulate mail sessions, resulting in the disclosure of sensitive information Description: A logic issue existed in Postfix in the handling of the STARTTLS command. After receiving a STARTTLS command, Postfix may process other plain-text commands. An attacker in a privileged network position may manipulate the mail session to obtain sensitive information from the encrypted traffic. This update addresses the issue by clearing the command queue after processing a STARTTLS command. This update addresses the issues by applying patches from the python project. Further information is available via the python site at CVE-ID CVE-2010-1634 CVE-2010-2089 CVE-2011-1521 QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: Multiple memory corruption issues existed in QuickTime's handling of movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3228 : Apple QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A heap buffer overflow existed in the handling of STSC atoms in QuickTime movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0249 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A heap buffer overflow existed in the handling of STSS atoms in QuickTime movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0250 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A heap buffer overflow existed in the handling of STSZ atoms in QuickTime movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0251 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A heap buffer overflow existed in the handling of STTS atoms in QuickTime movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-0252 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: An attacker in a privileged network position may inject script in the local domain when viewing template HTML Description: A cross-site scripting issue existed in QuickTime Player's "Save for Web" export. The template HTML files generated by this feature referenced a script file from a non-encrypted origin. An attacker in a privileged network position may be able to inject malicious scripts in the local domain if the user views a template file locally. This issue is resolved by removing the reference to an online script. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3218 : Aaron Sigel of QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A buffer overflow existed in QuickTime's handling of H.264 encoded movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3219 : Damian Put working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to the disclosure of memory contents Description: An uninitialized memory access issue existed in QuickTime's handling of URL data handlers within movie files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3220 : Luigi Auriemma working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: An implementation issue existed in QuickTime's handling of the atom hierarchy within a movie file. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3221 : an anonymous researcher working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted FlashPix file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A buffer overflow existed in QuickTime's handling of FlashPix files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3222 : Damian Put working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative QuickTime Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8, OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: Viewing a maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution Description: A buffer overflow existed in QuickTime's handling of FLIC files. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3223 : Matt 'j00ru' Jurczyk working with TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative SMB File Server Available for: OS X Lion v10.7 and v10.7.1, OS X Lion Server v10.7 and v10.7.1 Impact: A guest user may browse shared folders Description: An access control issue existed in the SMB File Server. Disallowing guest access to the share point record for a folder prevented the '_unknown' user from browsing the share point but not guests (user 'nobody'). This issue is addressed by applying the access control to the guest user. Further information is available via the Tomcat site at CVE-ID CVE-2010-1157 CVE-2010-2227 CVE-2010-3718 CVE-2010-4172 CVE-2011-0013 CVE-2011-0534 User Documentation Available for: Mac OS X v10.6.8, Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: An attacker in a privileged network position may manipulate App Store help content, leading to arbitrary code execution Description: App Store help content was updated over HTTP. This update addresses the issue by updating App Store help content over HTTPS. CVE-ID CVE-2011-3224 : Aaron Sigel of Web Server Available for: Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 Impact: Clients may be unable to access web services that require digest authentication Description: An issue in the handling of HTTP Digest authentication was addressed. Users may be denied access to the server's resources, when the server configuration should have allowed the access. This issue does not represent a security risk, and was addressed to facilitate the use of stronger authentication mechanisms. Further information is available via the libpng website at CVE-ID CVE-2011-2690 CVE-2011-2691 CVE-2011-2692 OS X Lion v10.7.2 also includes Safari 5.1.1. For information on the security content of Safari 5.1.1, please visit: OS X Lion v10.7.2 and Security Update 2011-006 may be obtained from the Software Update pane in System Preferences, or Apple's Software Downloads web site: The Software Update utility will present the update that applies to your system configuration. For OS X Lion v10.7.1 The download file is named: MacOSXUpd10.7.2.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: 37f784e08d4461e83a891a7f8b8af24c2ceb8229 For OS X Lion v10.7 The download file is named: MacOSXUpdCombo10.7.2.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: accd06d610af57df24f62ce7af261395944620eb For OS X Lion Server v10.7.1 The download file is named: MacOSXServerUpd10.7.2.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: e4084bf1dfa295a42f619224d149e515317955da For OS X Lion Server v10.7 The download file is named: MacOSXServerUpdCombo10.7.2.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: 25e86f5cf97b6644c7a025230431b1992962ec4a For Mac OS X v10.6.8 The download file is named: SecUpd2011-006Snow.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: 0f9c29610a06370d0c85a4c92dc278a48ba17a84 For Mac OS X Server v10.6.8 The download file is named: SecUpdSrvr2011-006.dmg Its SHA-1 digest is: 12de3732710bb03059f93527189d221c97ef8a06 Information will also be posted to the Apple Security Updates web site: This message is signed with Apple's Product Security PGP key, and details are available at: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.16 (Darwin) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJOlc/zAAoJEGnF2JsdZQeeWFcH/RDHS+dCP8T4a92uYRIbs9T3 TFbT7hnOoTB0H+2eN3oziLNime2N4mO921heHobiAKSXv/luU41ZPHxVd6rE77Md /BHDqLv65RA0XFTIPmrTcfpLhI5UgXDLfOLrsmdwTm52l5zQZkoxufYFf3mB3h7U ZJUD1s081Pjy45/Cbao097+JrDwS7ahhgkvTmpmSvJK/wWRz4JtZkvIYcQ2uQFR4 sTg4l6pmi3d8sJJ4wzrEaxDpclRjvjURI4DiBMYwGAXeCMRgYi0y03tYtkjXoaSG 69h2yD8EXQBuJkDyouak7/M/eMwUfb2S6o1HyXTldjdvFBFvvwvl+Y3xp8YmDzU= =gsvn -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Trust: 2.43

sources: NVD: CVE-2011-0231 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // BID: 50085 // BID: 50098 // VULHUB: VHN-48176 // PACKETSTORM: 105790 // PACKETSTORM: 105738


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Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.4

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.1.5

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.6.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.6.4

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.0.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.0.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.0.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.4.11

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.11

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.5.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.3.6

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.2.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.4.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.1.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.3.6

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.2.4

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.5

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.1.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.2.3

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2.4

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2.3

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.3.5

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.3.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.5.5

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.1.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.3.7

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:lteversion:10.7.1

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.7

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.3.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.7.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.7.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.3.3

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.4.10

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.3.3

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.8

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.5.8

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.6.0

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.4.6

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.3.2

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.5.3

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:10.3.9

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:10.2.8

Trust: 1.0

vendor:applemodel:mac os xscope:eqversion:v10.6.8

Trust: 0.8

vendor:applemodel:mac os x serverscope:eqversion:v10.6.8

Trust: 0.8

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6.1

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.6

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.1

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.8

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6.2

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.2

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.7

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6.5

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6.4

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.6.3

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.5

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.4

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.6.3

Trust: 0.6

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.7.1

Trust: 0.3

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:eqversion:x10.7

Trust: 0.3

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:neversion:x10.7.2

Trust: 0.3

vendor:applemodel:mac os serverscope:neversion:x10.7.2

Trust: 0.3

vendor:applemodel:mac osscope:eqversion:x10.7.1

Trust: 0.3

sources: BID: 50085 // BID: 50098 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271 // NVD: CVE-2011-0231




CVSSV3 CVE-2011-0231
value: MEDIUM

Trust: 1.0

NVD: CVE-2011-0231
value: MEDIUM

Trust: 0.8

CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271
value: MEDIUM

Trust: 0.6

value: MEDIUM

Trust: 0.1 CVE-2011-0231
severity: MEDIUM
baseScore: 5.0
vectorString: AV:N/AC:L/AU:N/C:P/I:N/A:N
accessVector: NETWORK
accessComplexity: LOW
authentication: NONE
confidentialityImpact: PARTIAL
integrityImpact: NONE
availabilityImpact: NONE
exploitabilityScore: 10.0
impactScore: 2.9
acInsufInfo: NONE
obtainAllPrivilege: NONE
obtainUserPrivilege: NONE
obtainOtherPrivilege: NONE
userInteractionRequired: NONE
version: 2.0

Trust: 1.8

severity: MEDIUM
baseScore: 5.0
vectorString: AV:N/AC:L/AU:N/C:P/I:N/A:N
accessVector: NETWORK
accessComplexity: LOW
authentication: NONE
confidentialityImpact: PARTIAL
integrityImpact: NONE
availabilityImpact: NONE
exploitabilityScore: 10.0
impactScore: 2.9
acInsufInfo: NONE
obtainAllPrivilege: NONE
obtainUserPrivilege: NONE
obtainOtherPrivilege: NONE
userInteractionRequired: NONE
version: 2.0

Trust: 0.1

sources: VULHUB: VHN-48176 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271 // NVD: CVE-2011-0231



Trust: 1.9

sources: VULHUB: VHN-48176 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // NVD: CVE-2011-0231



Trust: 0.6

sources: BID: 50085 // BID: 50098



Trust: 0.6

sources: BID: 50085 // BID: 50098


sources: JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476



Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.6

sources: JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271



Trust: 3.2


Trust: 1.4


Trust: 1.0


Trust: 0.9


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.7


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1

sources: VULHUB: VHN-48176 // BID: 50085 // BID: 50098 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // PACKETSTORM: 105790 // PACKETSTORM: 105738 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271 // NVD: CVE-2011-0231



Trust: 1.7


Trust: 1.7


Trust: 1.1


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.8


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.6


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1


Trust: 0.1

sources: VULHUB: VHN-48176 // BID: 50085 // BID: 50098 // JVNDB: JVNDB-2011-002476 // PACKETSTORM: 105790 // PACKETSTORM: 105738 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271 // NVD: CVE-2011-0231


Martin Tessarek, Steve Riggins of Geeks R Us, Justin C. Walker, and Stephen Creswell

Trust: 0.9

sources: BID: 50098 // CNNVD: CNNVD-201110-271







