VARIoT IoT vulnerabilities database

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VAR-200612-0207 CVE-2006-6621 Filseclab Personal Firewall Vulnerability that bypasses ongoing product control CVSS V2: 7.2
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Filseclab Personal Firewall relies on the Process Environment Block (PEB) to identify a process, which allows local users to bypass the product's controls on a process by spoofing the (1) ImagePathName, (2) CommandLine, and (3) WindowTitle fields in the PEB. Multiple vendor firewalls and HIPS (host-based intrusion prevention systems) are prone to a process-spoofing vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to have an arbitrary malicious program appear to run as a trusted process and function undetected on an affected victim's computer. The following software is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected: InfoProcess AntiHook version AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall version 7.5.431 Comodo Personal Firewall version Filseclab Personal Firewall version Look 'n' Stop Personal Firewall version 2.05p2 Symantec Sygate Personal Firewall version 5.6.2808. are all very popular firewalls. There are loopholes in the processing of user-mode process information in multiple host security software, and attackers may use this loophole to bypass security restrictions. Personal firewalls, HIPS, and similar security software that enforce security on a per-process basis must be able to identify processes attempting to perform privileged operations. Remote attackers can use spoofed processes to bypass the control of security checks. Including (1) image directory name, (2) command line, and (3) WINDOWS header text in PEB
VAR-200612-0206 CVE-2006-6620 Comodo Personal Firewall Vulnerabilities that prevent process product control on process CVSS V2: 7.2
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Comodo Personal Firewall relies on the Process Environment Block (PEB) to identify a process, which allows local users to bypass the product's controls on a process by spoofing the (1) ImagePathName, (2) CommandLine, and (3) WindowTitle fields in the PEB. (1) PEB Inside ImagePathName (2) PEB Inside CommandLine (3) PEB Inside WindowTitle field. Multiple vendor firewalls and HIPS (host-based intrusion prevention systems) are prone to a process-spoofing vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to have an arbitrary malicious program appear to run as a trusted process and function undetected on an affected victim's computer. The following software is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected: InfoProcess AntiHook version AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall version 7.5.431 Comodo Personal Firewall version Filseclab Personal Firewall version Look 'n' Stop Personal Firewall version 2.05p2 Symantec Sygate Personal Firewall version 5.6.2808. are all very popular firewalls. There are loopholes in the processing of user-mode process information in multiple host security software, and attackers may use this loophole to bypass security restrictions. Personal firewalls, HIPS, and similar security software that enforce security on a per-process basis must be able to identify processes attempting to perform privileged operations. Remote attackers can use spoofed processes to bypass the control of security checks. Including (1) image directory name, (2) command line, and (3) WINDOWS header text in PEB
VAR-200612-0205 CVE-2006-6619 AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall Vulnerabilities that prevent process product control on process CVSS V2: 7.2
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall 7.5.431 relies on the Process Environment Block (PEB) to identify a process, which allows local users to bypass the product's controls on a process by spoofing the (1) ImagePathName, (2) CommandLine, and (3) WindowTitle fields in the PEB. (1) PEB Inside ImagePathName (2) PEB Inside CommandLine (3) PEB Inside WindowTitle field. Multiple vendor firewalls and HIPS (host-based intrusion prevention systems) are prone to a process-spoofing vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to have an arbitrary malicious program appear to run as a trusted process and function undetected on an affected victim's computer. The following software is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected: InfoProcess AntiHook version AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall version 7.5.431 Comodo Personal Firewall version Filseclab Personal Firewall version Look 'n' Stop Personal Firewall version 2.05p2 Symantec Sygate Personal Firewall version 5.6.2808. are all very popular firewalls. There are loopholes in the processing of user-mode process information in multiple host security software, and attackers may use this loophole to bypass security restrictions. Personal firewalls, HIPS, and similar security software that enforce security on a per-process basis must be able to identify processes attempting to perform privileged operations. A remote attacker can use the spoofed process to bypass the control of the security check. Including (1) the image directory name, (2) the command line, and (3) the WINDOWS header text in the PEB
VAR-200612-0119 CVE-2006-6578 Microsoft IIS 5.1 Vulnerable to arbitrary command execution CVSS V2: 7.5
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.1 permits the IUSR_Machine account to execute non-EXE files such as .COM files, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands via arguments to any .COM file that executes those arguments, as demonstrated using when it is in a web directory with certain permissions. IIS is prone to a remote security vulnerability
VAR-200612-0120 CVE-2006-6579 Microsoft Windows XP Vulnerabilities in reading and writing files CVSS V2: 4.4
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Microsoft Windows XP has weak permissions (FILE_WRITE_DATA and FILE_READ_DATA for Everyone) for %WINDIR%\pchealth\ERRORREP\QHEADLES, which allows local users to write and read files in this folder, as demonstrated by an ASP shell that has write access by IWAM_machine and read access by IUSR_Machine. IIS is prone to a local security vulnerability
VAR-200612-0174 CVE-2006-6538 D-LINK DWL-2000AP+ Service disruption in (DoS) Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
D-LINK DWL-2000AP+ firmware 2.11 allows remote attackers to cause (1) a denial of service (device reset) via a flood of ARP replies on the wired or wireless (radio) link and (2) a denial of service (device crash) via a flood of ARP requests on the wireless link. Dwl-2000Ap%2B is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secunia is proud to announce the availability of the Secunia Software Inspector. The Secunia Software Inspector is a free service that detects insecure versions of software that you may have installed in your system. When insecure versions are detected, the Secunia Software Inspector also provides thorough guidelines for updating the software to the latest secure version from the vendor. Try it out online: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: D-LINK DWL-2000AP+ Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23332 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From local network OPERATING SYSTEM: D-Link DWL-2000AP+ DESCRIPTION: poplix has reported a vulnerability in D-LINK DWL-2000AP+, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the handling of ARP packets and can be exploited under certain circumstances to crash the device via ARP flooding attacks. The vulnerability is reported with firmware version 2.11. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Use another product. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: poplix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200612-0787 No CVE D-LINK DWL-2000AP + Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability CVSS V2: -
CVSS V3: -
Severity: -
D-LINK DWL-2000AP + is a popular wireless access router.  DWL-2000AP + has a vulnerability in processing a large number of ARP requests, and remote attackers may use this vulnerability to cause the device to malfunction.  D-LINK DWL-2000AP + did not properly handle the arp flood, resulting in two denial of service vulnerabilities. If an attacker can send a large number of arp replies at a high speed through a wired connection or broadcast, it will cause the wireless connection (802.11) to be reset and the arp table rebuilt, and all clients connected to the AP will be disconnected. The second vulnerability only affects wireless connections. If there are no other D-LINK Ethernet products in the AP range and wep encryption is enabled, an attacker can broadcast a large number of arp requests through a wireless connection at high speed, causing a denial of service. This attack works only 90% of the time, because APs can sometimes ban the client that sent the flood before completing the attack.
VAR-200612-0480 CVE-2006-5858 Adobe Download Manager buffer overflow CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Adobe ColdFusion MX 7 through 7.0.2, and JRun 4, when run on Microsoft IIS, allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files, list directories, or read source code via a double URL-encoded NULL byte in a ColdFusion filename, such as a CFM file. Adobe Download Manager contains a buffer overflow. This vulnerability may allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to run arbitrary code with the privileges of the affected user or cause a denial-of-service condition. Adobe ColdFusion is prone to an information-disclosure vulnerability. Successfully exploiting this issue allows remote attackers to gain access to the contents of arbitrary files that are not interpreted by ColdFusion. This includes the source of scripting files not handled by ColdFusion, configuration files, log files, and other data files. Information harvested may aid attackers in further attacks. Adobe ColdFusion MX7, 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 are vulnerable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secunia is proud to announce the availability of the Secunia Software Inspector. The Secunia Software Inspector is a free service that detects insecure versions of software that you may have installed in your system. When insecure versions are detected, the Secunia Software Inspector also provides thorough guidelines for updating the software to the latest secure version from the vendor. ".cfm". Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Apply hotfix (See vendor's advisory for details). Adobe Macromedia ColdFusion Source Code Disclosure Vulnerability iDefense Security Advisory 01.09.07 Jan 09, 2007 I. BACKGROUND Adobe Macromedia ColdFusion is an application server and development framework for websites. More information is available at the following URL. II. DESCRIPTION Remote exploitation of an input validation vulnerability in Adobe Systems Inc.'s Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 may allow an attacker to view file contents on the server. The vulnerability specifically exists in that URL encoded filenames will be decoded by the IIS process and then again by the ColdFusion process. By supplying a URL containing a double encoded null byte and an extension handled by ColdFusion, such as '.cfm', it is possible to view the contents of any file which is not interpreted by ColdFusion. III. Although this vulnerability does not in itself allow execution of code on the server, it may allow an attacker to discover sensitive information such as passwords or to discover vulnerabilities in other scripts on the system or potentially bypass some security restrictions. IV. DETECTION iDefense has confirmed this vulnerability exists in Adobe Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7.0.2, with all available fixes, running on Microsoft IIS vulnerable. V. WORKAROUND iDefense is unaware of any effective workarounds for this vulnerability. VI. VENDOR RESPONSE Adobe has released a patch for this issue. For more information consult their advisory at the link below. VII. CVE INFORMATION The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the name CVE-2006-5858 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in the CVE list (, which standardizes names for security problems. VIII. DISCLOSURE TIMELINE 11/08/2006 Initial vendor notification 11/09/2006 Initial vendor response 01/09/2007 Coordinated public disclosure IX. CREDIT This vulnerability was reported to iDefense by Inge Henriksen. Get paid for vulnerability research Free tools, research and upcoming events X. LEGAL NOTICES Copyright \xa9 2006 iDefense, Inc. Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express written consent of iDefense. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically, please e-mail for permission. Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Adobe Download Manager AOM Buffer Overflow Vulnerability SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23233 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Highly critical IMPACT: System access WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: Adobe Download Manager 1.x Adobe Download Manager 2.x DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in Adobe Download Manager, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system. The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error when handling section names in the "dm.ini" file as created by Adobe Download Manager when processing AOM files. This can be exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow via a specially crafted AOM or "dm.ini" file. Successful exploitation allows execution of arbitrary code when a user e.g. visits a malicious website. SOLUTION: Update to version 2.2. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Derek Soeder, eEye Digital Security. The vendor also credits Zero Day Initiative. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Adobe: eEye Digital Security: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200612-0588 CVE-2006-6409 Linux Gateways of F-Secure Anti-Virus Service disruption in (DoS) Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 10.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Gateways 4.65 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (possibly fatal scan error), and possibly bypass virus detection, by inserting invalid characters into base64 encoded content in a multipart/mixed MIME file, as demonstrated with the EICAR test file. Various security products are prone to a filter-bypass weakness. These products include: - BitDefender Mail Protection for SMB 2.0 - ClamAV 0.88.6 - F-prot AntiVirum for Linux x86 Mail Servers 4.6.6 - Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux Mail Server 5.5.10 Other applications and versions may also be affected. This issue occurs because the application fails to handle malformed input that may allow an attacker to bypass the file-filtering mechanism. There is a security bypass vulnerability in F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux Gateways. Such as passing the EICAR test file
VAR-200612-0590 CVE-2006-6411 Linksys WIP 330 Wireless-G IP Phone Service disruption in (DoS) Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
PhoneCtrl.exe in Linksys WIP 330 Wireless-G IP Phone 1.00.06A allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a TCP SYN scan, as demonstrated using TCP ports 1-65535 with nmap. Linksys WIP330 'PhoneCtrl.exe' is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability when the device is full port-range scanning. Exploiting this issue allows remote attackers to crash and reboot affected devices, denying service to legitimate users. Linksys WIP330 firmware version 1.00.06a is affected by this issue; other versions may also be affected. Linksys WIP 330 is a VoIP network cordless phone. If I run a port-wide Nmap scan of the WIP 330's IP address with the command: nmap -P0 <WIP 330 ip address> -p 1-65535 then PhoneCtrl.exe will crash at the end of the Nmap scan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secunia is proud to announce the availability of the Secunia Software Inspector. The Secunia Software Inspector is a free service that detects insecure versions of software that you may have installed in your system. When insecure versions are detected, the Secunia Software Inspector also provides thorough guidelines for updating the software to the latest secure version from the vendor. Try it out online: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Linksys WIP 330 "PhoneCtrl.exe" Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23256 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From local network OPERATING SYSTEM: Linksys WIP 330 DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in Linksys WIP 330, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to an unspecified error when a nmap port scan is performed on the full port-range of the IP address of the device. This can be exploited to crash PhoneCtrl.exe resulting in a DoS. SOLUTION: Restrict usage to trusted networks only. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Armijn Hemel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200612-0565 CVE-2006-6385 Intel network drivers privilege escalation vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.2
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Stack-based buffer overflow in Intel PRO 10/100, PRO/1000, and PRO/10GbE PCI, PCI-X, and PCIe network adapter drivers (aka NDIS miniport drivers) before 20061205 allows local users to execute arbitrary code with "kernel-level" privileges via an incorrect function call in certain OID handlers. Intel PRO Ethernet The driver contains a buffer overflow vulnerability. This can lead to arbitrary code execution on the local machine.A local user may execute arbitrary code with system privileges on the local machine. An attacker can trigger this issue to corrupt memory and to execute code with kernel-level privileges. A successful attack can result in a complete compromise of the affected computer due to privilege escalation. All PCI, PCI-X, and PCIe Intel network adapter drivers are vulnerable. Intel Pro 100/1000 is a series of network card devices launched by Intel. Although the NDIS miniport driver occupies a low level, unprivileged userland code can still communicate with the driver through NIC statistics requests that need to be implemented by NDIS. If an attacker can send an IOCTL_NDIS_QUERY_SELECTED_STATS (0x17000E) request to \Device\{adapterguid}, it will cause NDIS.SYS to call the QueryInformationHandler routine registered by the miniport driver when calling NdisMRegisterMiniport. The input buffer provided by this IOCTL is a list of 32-bit OIDs related to statistics, each of which is passed independently to the QueryInformationHandler, which contains the code required to retrieve the statistics and return them to the output buffer. Under Windows 2000, pointers to user-supplied buffers are passed directly to the miniport driver, which means the data is user-controllable. Under Windows XP and later versions, the pointer is transferred to a temporary buffer containing undefined data in the kernel memory, so the pool memory must be controlled before the attack to control the above data. A processor with OID 0xFF0203FC copies the output buffer's string to a stack variable using the following strcpy operation: strcpy(&(var_1D4.sz_62), (char*)InformationBuffer + 4) Thus, an attacker can String causes the processor to completely overwrite the return address of the function, redirecting execution flow to an arbitrary user-mode or kernel-mode address. The attack string must be at offset +0x0C in the output buffer, as NDIS itself uses the first 8 bytes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Intel LAN Driver Unspecified Privilege Escalation Vulnerability SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23221 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: Privilege escalation WHERE: Local system SOFTWARE: Intel PRO 10/100 Adapters (Linux) 3.x Intel PRO 10/100 Adapters (UnixWare/SCO6) 4.x Intel PRO 10/100 Adapters (Windows) 8.x Intel PRO/1000 Adapters (Linux) 7.x Intel PRO/1000 Adapters (UnixWare/SCO6) 9.x Intel PRO/1000 Adapters (Windows) 8.x Intel PRO/1000 PCIe Adapters (Windows) 9.x Intel PRO/10GbE Adapters (Linux) 1.x DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in Intel LAN drivers, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an unspecified error and can be exploited to cause a buffer overflow by using certain function calls incorrectly. SOLUTION: Apply patches (see the vendor's advisory for details). PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: The vendor credits eEye Digital Security. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Intel: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200612-0639 CVE-2006-6353 Apple BOMArchiveHelper Multiple Remote Archive File Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in BOMArchiveHelper in Mac OS X allow user-assisted remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via unspecified vectors related to (1) certain KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE thread crashes and (2) certain KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS thread crashes, as discovered with the "iSec Partners FileP fuzzer". Mac OS X of BOMArchiveHelper There is a service disruption ( Application crash ) There is a vulnerability that becomes a condition. This vulnerability "iSec Partners FileP fuzzer" It was discovered inDenial of service by attacker ( Application crash ) There is a possibility of being put into a state. The BOMArchiveHelper application is prone to multiple remote vulnerabilities when processing malformed files. Attackers may be able to exploit one or more of these issues to execute code, but this has not been confirmed. Note that these issues were discovered by using a file-fuzzing application, but have not been researched further. This BID will be updated as more information is released
VAR-200612-0745 CVE-2006-6234 PHP-Nuke of Content In module SQL Injection vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.5
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in the Content module in PHP-Nuke 6.0, and possibly other versions, allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via (1) the cid parameter in a list_pages_categories action or (2) the pid parameter in a showpage action. (1) list_pages_categories In action cid Parameters (2) showpage action In action pid Parameters. PHP-Nuke is prone to an sql-injection vulnerability because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query. PHP-Nuke is prone to a sql-injection vulnerability. Exploiting this issue could allow an attacker to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database
VAR-200612-0713 CVE-2006-6292 Apple Airport Extreme fails to properly process 802.11 frames CVSS V2: 5.7
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Apple Airport Extreme firmware 0.1.27 in Mac OS X 10.4.8 on Mac mini, MacBook, and MacBook Pro with Core Duo hardware allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds memory access and kernel panic) and have possibly other security-related impact via certain beacon frames. A vulnerability exists in the Apple AirPort Extreme wireless driver that may allow an attacker to crash a vulnerable system. Successful exploits may allow remote attackers to crash affected computers, denying further service to legitimate users. Attackers may also be able to execute code, but this has not been confirmed. This issue affects the Core Duo versions of Mac Mini, MacBook, and MacBook Pro Computers. Other Mac computers, including Core Duo 2 versions are not affected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Apple AirPort Beacon Frame Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23159 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in the Apple AirPort Extreme driver, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability exists due to an error in the handling of beacon frames and can be exploited to cause a kernel panic. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Do not use wireless with affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200612-0136 CVE-2006-6652 Kerberos administration daemon may free uninitialized pointers CVSS V2: 9.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Buffer overflow in the glob implementation (glob.c) in libc in NetBSD-current before 20050914, NetBSD 2.* and 3.* before 20061203, and Apple Mac OS X before 2007-004, as used by the FTP daemon and tnftpd, allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code via a long pathname that results from path expansion. A vulnerability exists in the Kerberos administration daemon that may allow a remote, unauthenticated user to free uninitialized pointers. Freeing uninitialized pointers corrupts memory in a way that could allow an attacker to execute code. NetBSD ftpd and tnftpd are prone to a remote buffer-overflow vulnerability. This issue is due to an off-by-one error; it allows attackers to corrupt memory. Remote attackers may execute arbitrary machine code in the context of the user running the affected application. Failed attempts will likely result in denial-of-service conditions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secunia is proud to announce the availability of the Secunia Software Inspector. The Secunia Software Inspector is a free service that detects insecure versions of software that you may have installed in your system. When insecure versions are detected, the Secunia Software Inspector also provides thorough guidelines for updating the software to the latest secure version from the vendor. Try it out online: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Fedora Core 6 update for krb5 SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23706 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Highly critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Fedora Core 6 DESCRIPTION: Fedora has issued an update for krb5. This fixes some vulnerabilities, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially compromise a vulnerable system. For more information: SA23690 SA23696 SOLUTION: Apply updated packages. Fedora Core 6: 43b1b9c946f30629489b903961472d9b0cdf1cd8 SRPMS/krb5-1.5-13.src.rpm 43b1b9c946f30629489b903961472d9b0cdf1cd8 noarch/krb5-1.5-13.src.rpm 42b9b525ea97d128ed22c6feb7b48cc377ca46ad ppc/debug/krb5-debuginfo-1.5-13.ppc.rpm 51c9dfac74d9026509906e953cf92ac50e1a13c4 ppc/krb5-workstation-1.5-13.ppc.rpm 39a5ed204a75766df9daf51a66971f51700d563c ppc/krb5-server-1.5-13.ppc.rpm bce7df56293ae51d79ce1e054b3056d24a1ae8d5 ppc/krb5-devel-1.5-13.ppc.rpm 9097a6f8fdda32e8b976b0beb2b03ba66172327e ppc/krb5-libs-1.5-13.ppc.rpm 51c1f15fca97f267cabd1d1a9851a349fc5a3648 x86_64/krb5-workstation-1.5-13.x86_64.rpm 7cc0d54545539827434c7975697c9c13ae9e4797 x86_64/debug/krb5-debuginfo-1.5-13.x86_64.rpm 71fcdc5dadb273576ad9e530fbb15764650cb84b x86_64/krb5-devel-1.5-13.x86_64.rpm bbe8f1b3e7c6077526f760b361ad6ca5d4039276 x86_64/krb5-libs-1.5-13.x86_64.rpm e38c1dccd2310d3bab9d204226988aee627cfe0d x86_64/krb5-server-1.5-13.x86_64.rpm 02ddf8b25bea088b4de3cc8c27fcf3eb2967efa6 i386/debug/krb5-debuginfo-1.5-13.i386.rpm d6470636e983d8559d4378f819fba80b467af0a5 i386/krb5-libs-1.5-13.i386.rpm 278c19ec68ed47d35c5c2370df5c48807dba1224 i386/krb5-workstation-1.5-13.i386.rpm aa72a083b60ddfb3dbc0761f13ea7147e09995f1 i386/krb5-server-1.5-13.i386.rpm 9cfd3d1d48deb0e7f83a0a13a5ddf2383386b400 i386/krb5-devel-1.5-13.i386.rpm ORIGINAL ADVISORY: OTHER REFERENCES: SA23690: SA23696: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200703-0028 CVE-2007-0730 Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow arbitrary users to change the root password CVSS V2: 6.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Server Manager (servermgrd) in Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 does not sufficiently validate authentication credentials, which allows remote attackers to bypass authentication and modify system configuration. A vulnerabilty in the Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow unprivileged users to change the root password. Apple ColorSync contains a buffer overflow vulnerability that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Mac OS X is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including stack-based buffer-overflow issues, denial-of-service vulnerabilities, two memory-corruption issues, an integer-overflow issue, two authentication-bypass issues, an information-disclosure vulnerability, and an insecure command-execution issue. An attacker can exploit these issues to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user running the application, cause denial-of-service conditions, compromise the application, and access or modify data. Few details regarding these issues are currently available. Separate BIDs for each issue will be created as new information becomes available. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 are vulnerable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Binary Memory Corruption SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23088 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: Local system OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in Mac OS X, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the fatfile_getarch2() function. This can be exploited to cause an integer overflow and may potentially allow execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges via a specially crafted Mach-O Universal binary. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Grant only trusted users access to affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200703-0029 CVE-2007-0731 Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow arbitrary users to change the root password CVSS V2: 9.3
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Stack-based buffer overflow in the Apple-specific Samba module (SMB File Server) in Apple Mac OS X 10.4 through 10.4.8 allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long ACL. A vulnerabilty in the Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow unprivileged users to change the root password. Mac OS X is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including stack-based buffer-overflow issues, denial-of-service vulnerabilities, two memory-corruption issues, an integer-overflow issue, two authentication-bypass issues, an information-disclosure vulnerability, and an insecure command-execution issue. An attacker can exploit these issues to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user running the application, cause denial-of-service conditions, compromise the application, and access or modify data. Few details regarding these issues are currently available. Separate BIDs for each issue will be created as new information becomes available. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 are vulnerable. A stack overflow vulnerability exists in Apple-specific Samba modules. Files with extremely long ACLs can trigger this overflow, leading to denial of service or arbitrary code execution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Binary Memory Corruption SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23088 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: Local system OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in Mac OS X, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the fatfile_getarch2() function. This can be exploited to cause an integer overflow and may potentially allow execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges via a specially crafted Mach-O Universal binary. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Grant only trusted users access to affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200703-0030 CVE-2007-0733 Apple Mac OS X ImageIO memory corruption vulnerability CVSS V2: 9.3
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Unspecified vulnerability in ImageIO in Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 allows remote user-assisted attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted RAW image that triggers memory corruption. A vulnerabilty in the Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow unprivileged users to change the root password. Apple ColorSync contains a buffer overflow vulnerability that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Mac OS X is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including stack-based buffer-overflow issues, denial-of-service vulnerabilities, two memory-corruption issues, an integer-overflow issue, two authentication-bypass issues, an information-disclosure vulnerability, and an insecure command-execution issue. An attacker can exploit these issues to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user running the application, cause denial-of-service conditions, compromise the application, and access or modify data. Few details regarding these issues are currently available. Separate BIDs for each issue will be created as new information becomes available. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 are vulnerable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Binary Memory Corruption SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23088 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: Local system OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in Mac OS X, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the fatfile_getarch2() function. This can be exploited to cause an integer overflow and may potentially allow execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges via a specially crafted Mach-O Universal binary. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Grant only trusted users access to affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200703-0027 CVE-2007-0728 Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow arbitrary users to change the root password CVSS V2: 4.4
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Unspecified vulnerability in Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 creates files insecurely while initializing a USB printer, which allows local users to create or overwrite arbitrary files. Apple ColorSync contains a buffer overflow vulnerability that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Mac OS X is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including stack-based buffer-overflow issues, denial-of-service vulnerabilities, two memory-corruption issues, an integer-overflow issue, two authentication-bypass issues, an information-disclosure vulnerability, and an insecure command-execution issue. An attacker can exploit these issues to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user running the application, cause denial-of-service conditions, compromise the application, and access or modify data. Few details regarding these issues are currently available. Separate BIDs for each issue will be created as new information becomes available. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 are vulnerable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Binary Memory Corruption SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23088 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: Local system OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in Mac OS X, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the fatfile_getarch2() function. This can be exploited to cause an integer overflow and may potentially allow execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges via a specially crafted Mach-O Universal binary. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Grant only trusted users access to affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200703-0026 CVE-2007-0726 Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow arbitrary users to change the root password CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
The SSH key generation process in OpenSSH in Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by connecting to the server before SSH has finished creating keys, which causes the keys to be regenerated and can break trust relationships that were based on the original keys. A vulnerabilty in the Apple Mac OS X DirectoryService may allow unprivileged users to change the root password. Apple ColorSync contains a buffer overflow vulnerability that may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Mac OS X is prone to multiple vulnerabilities including stack-based buffer-overflow issues, denial-of-service vulnerabilities, two memory-corruption issues, an integer-overflow issue, two authentication-bypass issues, an information-disclosure vulnerability, and an insecure command-execution issue. An attacker can exploit these issues to execute arbitrary code in the context of the user running the application, cause denial-of-service conditions, compromise the application, and access or modify data. Few details regarding these issues are currently available. Separate BIDs for each issue will be created as new information becomes available. Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9 and 10.4 through 10.4.8 are vulnerable. SSH keys are created on the server when the first SSH connection is created. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To improve our services to our customers, we have made a number of additions to the Secunia Advisories and have started translating the advisories to German. The improvements will help our customers to get a better understanding of how we reached our conclusions, how it was rated, our thoughts on exploitation, attack vectors, and scenarios. This includes: * Reason for rating * Extended description * Extended solution * Exploit code or links to exploit code * Deep links Read the full description: Contact Secunia Sales for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Mac OS X Mach-O Universal Binary Memory Corruption SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA23088 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Less critical IMPACT: DoS, System access WHERE: Local system OPERATING SYSTEM: Apple Macintosh OS X DESCRIPTION: LMH has reported a vulnerability in Mac OS X, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially gain escalated privileges. The vulnerability is caused due to an error in the fatfile_getarch2() function. This can be exploited to cause an integer overflow and may potentially allow execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges via a specially crafted Mach-O Universal binary. Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Grant only trusted users access to affected systems. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: LMH ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------