VARIoT IoT vulnerabilities database

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VAR-200511-0342 CVE-2005-3786 Novell ZENworks remote diagnosis Console One Unauthorized access vulnerability CVSS V2: 4.6
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4.0.1, ZENworks for Servers 3.0.2, and ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management does not restrict access to Remote Diagnostics, which allows local users to bypass security policies by using Console One. Novell ZENworks Remote Diagnostics is prone to an unauthorized access vulnerability. This vulnerability may facilitate disclosure of sensitive data and may aid in other attacks against a vulnerable computer. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Reported by vendor. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0294 CVE-2005-3774 Cisco PIX fails to verify TCP checksum CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Cisco PIX 6.3 and 7.0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (blocked new connections) via spoofed TCP packets that cause the PIX to create embryonic connections that that would not produce a valid connection with the end system, including (1) SYN packets with invalid checksums, which do not result in a RST; or, from an external interface, (2) one byte of "meaningless data," or (3) a TTL that is one less than needed to reach the internal destination. Versions of Cisco PIX firewalls do not validate the checksum of transiting TCP packets. Attackers may be able to use this problem to create a sustained denial-of-service under certain conditions. Cisco PIX Firewall Is illegal TCP SYN When a packet is processed, the packet and source and destination information for a certain period of time (IP Address and port ) There is a function that rejects packets that match, and there is a vulnerability that prevents communication from a legitimate host if the source information of the wrong packet is spoofed by that of a legitimate host.From a specific source TCP Communication is interrupted for a certain period of time (DoS) It may be in a state. This issue allows attackers to temporarily block network traffic to arbitrarily targeted TCP services. By repeating the attack, a prolonged denial-of-service condition is possible. Cisco PIX is a hardware firewall solution. Remote attackers may use this loophole to cause a denial of service attack on legitimate access sources. So an attacker can send a specially crafted TCP packet with a wrong checksum, setting the source/destination IP and port to a legitimate host. Once the PIX firewall receives such a message, it cannot establish a new TCP session with the credentials specified in the malicious message. The default time is 2 minutes and 2 seconds, and then it will resume normal operation. Gavrilenko has reported a vulnerability in Cisco PIX, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to the firewall failing to verify the checksum of a TCP SYN packet before it is allowed through the firewall and a connection state is setup to track the half-open connection. Packets with incorrect checksum values will be silently discarded by the destination host without a RST reply. This causes the connection state to be held up to two minutes before it is cleared. In the meantime, legitimate SYN packets with the same protocol, IP addresses, and ports are discarded by the firewall. Successful exploitation allows an attacker to prevent a host from establishing connections to another host through the firewall. The vulnerability has been reported in PIX 6.3 and PIX/ASA 7.0. SOLUTION: The vendor recommends the following workaround. 1) Issue the commands "clear xlate" or "clear local-host <ip address on the higher security level interface>" to allow the firewall to pass connections again. 2) Modify the default TCP embryonic connection timeout to a lower value. e.g. 10 seconds. 3) Configure TCP Intercept to allow PIX to proxy all TCP connection attempts originated from behind any firewall interface after the first connection. This will have a performance impact. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Konstantin V. Gavrilenko, Arhont Ltd ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200512-0893 CVE-2005-4678 Apple Safari Remote attack vulnerability CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Apple Safari 2.0.2 (aka 416.12) allows remote attackers to spoof the URL in the status bar via the title in an image in a link to a trusted site within a form to the malicious site. NOTE: the provenance of this information is unknown; the details are obtained solely from third party information. Safari is prone to a remote security vulnerability. The problem is that the browser fails to show the correct URL in the status bar if an image control has been enclosed in a hyperlink and uses a form to specify the destination URL. This may cause a user to follow a link to a seemingly trusted website when in fact the browser opens a malicious website. This is related to: SA17565 Example: <form action="[malicious site]"> <a href="[trusted site]"><input type="image" src="[image]"></a> </form> The weakness has been confirmed in version 2.0.2 (416.12). Other versions may also be affected. SOLUTION: Do not follow links from untrusted sources. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Reported in Safari by marc. Originally discovered in Internet Explorer and Opera by Claudio "Sverx". OTHER REFERENCES: SA17565: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200512-0135 CVE-2005-4323 Hitachi Collaboration Schedule Unknown denial of service vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Unspecified vulnerability in Hitachi Cosminexus Collaboration Portal 06-00 through 06-10-/B, Groupmax Collaboration Portal 07-00 through 07-10-/B, and Groupmax Collaboration Web Client 07-00 through 07-10-/A allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service of unspecified impact via repeated invalid requests to the Schedule component. This vulnerability may be triggered by multiple invalid requests sent to the schedule. No further details have been provided. These are due to a lack of proper sanitization of user-supplied input. An attacker may leverage these issues to have arbitrary script code executed in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. These may facilitate the theft of cookie-based authentication credentials as well as other attacks. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200512-0134 CVE-2005-4322 Hitachi Product Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 4.3
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Hitachi Cosminexus Collaboration Portal 06-00 through 06-10-/B, Groupmax Collaboration Portal 07-00 through 07-10-/B, and Groupmax Collaboration Web Client 07-00 through 07-10-/A allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) Schedule and (2) Calendar components. These are due to a lack of proper sanitization of user-supplied input. An attacker may leverage these issues to have arbitrary script code executed in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. These may facilitate the theft of cookie-based authentication credentials as well as other attacks. TITLE: Hitachi Products Cross-Site Scripting and Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17634 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: Cross Site Scripting, DoS WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: Cosminexus 6.x Groupmax Collaboration Portal 6.x Groupmax Collaboration Web Client 7.x DESCRIPTION: Some vulnerabilities have been reported in various Hitachi products, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks and cause a DoS (Denial of Service). ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0004 CVE-2005-2938 APPLE iTunes Unlisted Windows Search path vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.2
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Unquoted Windows search path vulnerability in iTunesHelper.exe in iTunes and iTunes 5 for Windows might allow local users to gain privileges via a malicious C:\program.exe file. iTunes is Apple's player software for iPod and mp3 files. Multiple Vendor Insecure Call to CreateProcess() Vulnerability iDEFENSE Security Advisory 11.15.05 November 15, 2005 I. BACKGROUND The Microsoft Windows API includes the CreateProcess() function as a means to create a new process and it's primary thread. CreateProcessAsUser() is similar but allows for the process to be run in the security context of a particular user. II. DESCRIPTION The format of the CreateProcess() function is as follows: BOOL CreateProcess( LPCTSTR lpApplicationName, LPTSTR lpCommandLine, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation ); The 'lpApplicationName' variable contains the name of the module to be executed. However, this can be a NULL value, in which case, the module name to be executed will be the first white space-delimited token in the lpCommandLine string. It is a known issue, that if lpApplicationName contains a NULL value and the full module path in the lpCommandLine variable contains white space and is not enclosed in quotation marks, it is possible that an alternate application will be executed. Consider the following scenario: CreateProcess( NULL, c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe, ... ); In this case, the system will successively expand the string when interpreting the file path, until a module is encountered to execute. The string used in the above example would be interpreted as follows: c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe Therefore, if a file named program.exe existed in the c:\ directory, it would be executed instead of the intended application. This is a known issue, discussed directly in the API documentation: III. ANALYSIS Despite the fact that this is a known issue, several popular applications, insecurely call the CreateProcess() and CreateProcessAsUser() functions. This creates a scenario whereby arbitrary code could be executed. In the scenario detailed above, if an attacker were able to install arbitrary code in a file at c:\program.exe, when the vulnerable application was launched, the code would be executed. The arbitrary code would generally be executed under the privileges of the executing user but could also be launched with elevated privilegs if an insecure call were made CreateProcessAsUser() using elevated privileges. This attack would involve some form of social engineering or need to be combined with another attack to first get the arbitrary code installed in the correct location. IV. DETECTION The following applications have been confirmed to be vulnerable: Vendor: RealNetworks Application: RealPlayer 10.5 Files: realplay.exe realjbox.exe Vendor: Kaspersky Application: Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows File Servers 5.0 (English) - Installation File Files: kav5.0trial_winfsen.exe Vendor: Apple Application: iTunes Files: iTunesHelper.exe Vendor: VMWare Application: VMWare Workstation 5.0.0 build-13124 Files: VMwareTray.exe VMwareUser.exe Vendor: Microsoft Application: Microsoft Antispyware 1.0.509 (Beta 1) Files: GIANTAntiSpywareMain.exe gcASNotice.exe gcasServ.exe gcasSWUpdater.exe GIANTAntiSpywareUpdater.exe Note: The vulnerability in Microsoft Antispyware was previously discussed on the Full-Disclosure mailing list ( but remains unpatched. V. WORKAROUND Ensure that unexpected files are not stored in locations that can be used for this attack. Windows XP SP2 will alert a user of the existence of a file named c:\program.exe when it first boots, however, any path containing white space where a vulnerable application is stored could be used in this attack. VI. VENDOR RESPONSE The following vendor responses have been provided. Apple: "Due to the way iTunes 5 launches its helper application, multiple system paths are searched for which program to run. iTunes 6 addresses this issue and can be obtained from Credit to iDEFENSE for reporting this issue to us." Kaspersky: "We are currently looking into the problem, and it seems that this is not present in the current version of KAV for File Servers." Microsoft: "Microsoft has confirmed that the Beta 2 version of its Antispyware product, targeted for release later this year, will address the issue reported by iDEFENSE." VII. CVE INFORMATION The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the following names to this issue. RealNetworks RealPlayer 10.5 CAN-2005-2936 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 CAN-2005-2937 Apple iTunes CAN-2005-2938 VMWare Workstation 5.0.0 build-13124 CAN-2005-2939 Microsoft Antispyware 1.0.509 (Beta 1) CAN-2005-2940 Theses are candidates for inclusion in the CVE list (, which standardizes names for security problems. VIII. DISCLOSURE TIMELINE 09/19/2005 Initial vendor notification 11/15/2005 Coordinated public disclosure IX. CREDIT The discoverer of this vulnerability wishes to remain anonymous. Get paid for vulnerability research Free tools, research and upcoming events X. LEGAL NOTICES Copyright \xa9 2005 iDEFENSE, Inc. Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It may not be edited in any way without the express written consent of iDEFENSE. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically, please email for permission. Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information
VAR-200605-0040 CVE-2006-2298 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
The Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementation in the libike library in Solaris 9 and 10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (in.iked daemon crash) via crafted IKE packets, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. TITLE: Symantec Firewall/VPN/Gateway ISAKMP Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17684 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Symantec Gateway Security 400 Series Symantec Gateway Security 300 Series Symantec Gateway Security 3.x Symantec Gateway Security 2.x Symantec Gateway Security 1.x Symantec Firewall/VPN Appliance 100/200/200R SOFTWARE: Symantec Enterprise Firewall (SEF) 8.x DESCRIPTION: Symantec has acknowledged a vulnerability in various Symantec products, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). For more information: SA17553 Successful exploitation causes a DoS of the dynamic VPN services. The vulnerability has been reported in the following products. * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows) * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris) * Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1 * Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5100 * Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0 * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100 SOLUTION: Apply hotfixes. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0: Apply SGS3.0-2005114-02. Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1: Apply SGS2.0.1-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5100: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R: Update to build 1.8F. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100: Update to build 1.8F. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Symantec: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0112 CVE-2005-3668 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Multiple buffer overflows in multiple unspecified implementations of Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) have multiple unspecified attack vectors and impacts related to denial of service, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of information in the original sources, it is likely that this candidate will be REJECTed once it is known which implementations are actually vulnerable. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. TITLE: Symantec Firewall/VPN/Gateway ISAKMP Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17684 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Symantec Gateway Security 400 Series Symantec Gateway Security 300 Series Symantec Gateway Security 3.x Symantec Gateway Security 2.x Symantec Gateway Security 1.x Symantec Firewall/VPN Appliance 100/200/200R SOFTWARE: Symantec Enterprise Firewall (SEF) 8.x DESCRIPTION: Symantec has acknowledged a vulnerability in various Symantec products, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). For more information: SA17553 Successful exploitation causes a DoS of the dynamic VPN services. The vulnerability has been reported in the following products. * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows) * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris) * Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1 * Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5100 * Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0 * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100 SOLUTION: Apply hotfixes. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0: Apply SGS3.0-2005114-02. Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1: Apply SGS2.0.1-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5100: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R: Update to build 1.8F. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100: Update to build 1.8F. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Symantec: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0111 CVE-2005-3667 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in multiple unspecified implementations of Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) have multiple unspecified attack vectors and impacts related to denial of service, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of information in the original sources, it is likely that this candidate will be REJECTed once it is known which implementations are actually vulnerable. In addition, since "denial of service" is an impact and not a vulnerability, it is unknown which underlying vulnerabilities are actually covered by this particular candidate. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. TITLE: IPsec-Tools ISAKMP IKE Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17668 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: IPsec-Tools 0.x DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in IPsec-Tools, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to a NULL pointer dereferencing error when processing certain ISAKMP packets in aggressive mode. The vulnerability is related to: SA17553 Successful exploitation requires a weak racoon configuration (e.g. no lifetime proposal or obey mode), and using 3DES/SHA1/DH2. SOLUTION: Update to version 0.6.3. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: The vendor credits Adrian Portelli. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0110 CVE-2005-3666 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 10.0
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Multiple unspecified format string vulnerabilities in multiple unspecified implementations of Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) have multiple unspecified attack vectors and impacts, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of information in the original sources, it is likely that this candidate will be REJECTed once it is known which implementations are actually vulnerable. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. TITLE: IPsec-Tools ISAKMP IKE Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17668 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: IPsec-Tools 0.x DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in IPsec-Tools, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to a NULL pointer dereferencing error when processing certain ISAKMP packets in aggressive mode. The vulnerability is related to: SA17553 Successful exploitation requires a weak racoon configuration (e.g. no lifetime proposal or obey mode), and using 3DES/SHA1/DH2. SOLUTION: Update to version 0.6.3. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: The vendor credits Adrian Portelli. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0062 CVE-2005-3733 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 7.5
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
The Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementation in Juniper JUNOS and JUNOSe software for M, T, and J-series routers before release 6.4, and E-series routers before 7-1-0, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted IKE packets, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of details in the advisory, it is unclear which of CVE-2005-3666, CVE-2005-3667, and/or CVE-2005-3668 this issue applies to. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. Juniper's M, T, J and E series routers are all network router products developed by Juniper. The IKE protocol is implemented in the JUNOS and JUNOSe software. Testing of the IKE version 1 phase 1 ISAKMP test suite developed by the Oulu University Security Programming Group (OUSPG) revealed a vulnerability in the IKE protocol implementation in JUNOS and JUNOSe software. By sending specially crafted messages, vulnerable products may exhibit denial of service, format string vulnerabilities, and buffer overflows. In some cases, arbitrary code execution may also be possible. TITLE: IPsec-Tools ISAKMP IKE Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17668 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote SOFTWARE: IPsec-Tools 0.x DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in IPsec-Tools, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to a NULL pointer dereferencing error when processing certain ISAKMP packets in aggressive mode. The vulnerability is related to: SA17553 Successful exploitation requires a weak racoon configuration (e.g. no lifetime proposal or obey mode), and using 3DES/SHA1/DH2. SOLUTION: Update to version 0.6.3. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: The vendor credits Adrian Portelli. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0019 CVE-2005-3673 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
The Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementation in Check Point products allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via certain crafted IKE packets, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of details in the advisory, it is unclear which of CVE-2005-3666, CVE-2005-3667, and/or CVE-2005-3668 this issue applies to. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. Check Point Firewall-1 and VPN-1 are prone to denial of service attacks due to unspecified vulnerabilities in the IPSec implementation. The vulnerabilities may be triggered by malformed IKE traffic. Check Point is a network security product manufacturer. TITLE: Symantec Firewall/VPN/Gateway ISAKMP Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17684 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Symantec Gateway Security 400 Series Symantec Gateway Security 300 Series Symantec Gateway Security 3.x Symantec Gateway Security 2.x Symantec Gateway Security 1.x Symantec Firewall/VPN Appliance 100/200/200R SOFTWARE: Symantec Enterprise Firewall (SEF) 8.x DESCRIPTION: Symantec has acknowledged a vulnerability in various Symantec products, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). For more information: SA17553 Successful exploitation causes a DoS of the dynamic VPN services. The vulnerability has been reported in the following products. * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows) * Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris) * Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1 * Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 5100 * Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0 * Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0 * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R * Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100 SOLUTION: Apply hotfixes. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0: Apply SGS3.0-2005114-02. Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1: Apply SGS2.0.1-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5100: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R: Update to build 1.8F. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100: Update to build 1.8F. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Symantec: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0061 CVE-2005-3732 IPSec-Tools IKE Message Handling Denial of Service Vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
The Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementation (isakmp_agg.c) in racoon in ipsec-tools before 0.6.3, when running in aggressive mode, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (null dereference and crash) via crafted IKE packets, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. IPsec-Tools is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability. This issue is due to a failure in the application to handle exceptional conditions when in 'AGGRESSIVE' mode. An attacker can exploit this issue to crash the application, thus denying service to legitimate users. These vulnerabilities were discovered by, and may be reproduced by, the University of Oulu Secure Programming Group PROTOS IPSec Test Suite. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora Legacy Update Advisory Synopsis: Updated ipsec-tools package fixes security issue Advisory ID: FLSA:190941 Issue date: 2006-06-06 Product: Fedora Core Keywords: Bugfix CVE Names: CVE-2005-3732 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Topic: An updated ipsec-tools package that fixes a bug in racoon is now available. The ipsec-tools package is used in conjunction with the IPsec functionality in the linux kernel and includes racoon, an IKEv1 keying daemon. 2. Relevant releases/architectures: Fedora Core 2 - i386 Fedora Core 3 - i386, x86_64 3. Problem description: A denial of service flaw was found in the ipsec-tools racoon daemon. If a victim's machine has racoon configured in a non-recommended insecure manner, it is possible for a remote attacker to crash the racoon daemon. (CVE-2005-3732) Users of ipsec-tools should upgrade to this updated package, which contains backported patches, and is not vulnerable to this issue. 4. Solution: Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata relevant to your system have been applied. To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run: rpm -Fvh [filenames] where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade. Only those RPMs which are currently installed will be updated. Those RPMs which are not installed but included in the list will not be updated. Note that you can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current directory *only* contains the desired RPMs. Please note that this update is also available via yum and apt. Many people find this an easier way to apply updates. To use yum issue: yum update or to use apt: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate RPMs being upgraded on your system. This assumes that you have yum or apt-get configured for obtaining Fedora Legacy content. Please visit for directions on how to configure yum and apt-get. 5. Bug IDs fixed: 6. RPMs required: Fedora Core 2: SRPM: i386: Fedora Core 3: SRPM: i386: x86_64: 7. Verification: SHA1 sum Package Name --------------------------------------------------------------------- fc2: e8f91c085fb9533106c6ebc442572bd0b22f2470 fedora/2/updates/i386/ipsec-tools-0.5-2.fc2.1.legacy.i386.rpm 292a0a1426bc75abf0b34a3c91279a40ea78aac2 fedora/2/updates/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-2.fc2.1.legacy.src.rpm fc3: e49b07bcc0e3dbe56401056b65b36133dabb4b6c fedora/3/updates/i386/ipsec-tools-0.5-2.fc3.1.legacy.i386.rpm 10eed18767204b88c2811115d889c0a372079ec2 fedora/3/updates/x86_64/ipsec-tools-0.5-2.fc3.1.legacy.x86_64.rpm 0832eb1da62b597bc32b26ce9e8429d7e67f43d2 fedora/3/updates/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-2.fc3.1.legacy.src.rpm These packages are GPG signed by Fedora Legacy for security. Our key is available from You can verify each package with the following command: rpm --checksig -v <filename> If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or tampered with, examine only the sha1sum with the following command: sha1sum <filename> 8. References: 9. Contact: The Fedora Legacy security contact is <>. More project details at --------------------------------------------------------------------- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200512-04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Severity: Normal Title: Openswan, IPsec-Tools: Vulnerabilities in ISAKMP Protocol implementation Date: December 12, 2005 Bugs: #112568, #113201 ID: 200512-04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Synopsis ======== Openswan and IPsec-Tools suffer from an implementation flaw which may allow a Denial of Service attack. Background ========== Openswan is an implementation of IPsec for Linux. IPsec is widely used to secure exchange of packets at the IP layer and mostly used to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Affected packages ================= ------------------------------------------------------------------- Package / Vulnerable / Unaffected ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 net-misc/openswan < 2.4.4 >= 2.4.4 2 net-firewall/ipsec-tools < 0.6.3 >= 0.6.3 *>= 0.6.2-r1 *>= 0.4-r2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 affected packages on all of their supported architectures. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Description =========== The Oulu University Secure Programming Group (OUSPG) discovered that various ISAKMP implementations, including Openswan and racoon (included in the IPsec-Tools package), behave in an anomalous way when they receive and handle ISAKMP Phase 1 packets with invalid or abnormal contents. Workaround ========== Avoid using "aggressive mode" in ISAKMP Phase 1, which exchanges information between the sides before there is a secure channel. Resolution ========== All Openswan users should upgrade to the latest version: # emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-misc/openswan-2.4.4" All IPsec-Tools users should upgrade to the latest version: # emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose net-firewall/ipsec-tools References ========== [ 1 ] CVE-2005-3671 [ 2 ] CVE-2005-3732 [ 3 ] Original Advisory Availability ============ This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at the Gentoo Security Website: Concerns? ========= Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to or alternatively, you may file a bug at License ======= Copyright 2005 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text belongs to its owner(s). The contents of this document are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license. . TITLE: Nortel Switched Firewall ISAKMP IKE Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17608 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Nortel Switched Firewall 5000 Series Nortel Switched Firewall 5100 Series Nortel Switched Firewall 6000 Series DESCRIPTION: A vulnerability has been reported in Nortel Switched Firewall, which potentially can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). The vulnerability is caused due to unspecified errors in the processing of IKEv1 Phase 1 protocol exchange messages. This may be exploited to cause a DoS via specially crafted IKE packets. The vulnerability is related to: SA17553 SOLUTION: Refer to the original advisory from Nortel Networks for instructions how to apply fixes. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Nortel Networks: NISCC: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . The updated packages have been patched to correct this problem. _______________________________________________________________________ References: _______________________________________________________________________ Updated Packages: Mandriva Linux 10.1: c1f74be6f3c46152881ded66022a3928 10.1/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.i586.rpm c8416853386be9e80b5f8ac6de16cf93 10.1/RPMS/libipsec-tools0-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.i586.rpm 278751ee3fca05321059c67f39f1a0f0 10.1/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.src.rpm Mandriva Linux 10.1/X86_64: 5d3d19d02d0d5a8eb5fcc237768fb07f x86_64/10.1/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.x86_64.rpm 464dadc90a736f6312a6c143c12a4cce x86_64/10.1/RPMS/lib64ipsec-tools0-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.x86_64.rpm 278751ee3fca05321059c67f39f1a0f0 x86_64/10.1/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-2.2.101mdk.src.rpm Mandriva Linux 10.2: 75b061a206ba4a943904d384e489036c 10.2/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-4.2.102mdk.i586.rpm 3c17715ce5bd1e63347e844bca518fa3 10.2/RPMS/libipsec0-0.5-4.2.102mdk.i586.rpm c221e9fbca14cc956df812605aa67b96 10.2/RPMS/libipsec0-devel-0.5-4.2.102mdk.i586.rpm 313ae7a9fd1eceb117515c61f19f0a2a 10.2/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-4.2.102mdk.src.rpm Mandriva Linux 10.2/X86_64: 2de25a175eff7fbb77758993965110a5 x86_64/10.2/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-4.2.102mdk.x86_64.rpm ff5095c574441578b6e6e1c9384bf05c x86_64/10.2/RPMS/lib64ipsec0-0.5-4.2.102mdk.x86_64.rpm db6e3f33dc2326528a4c22e199e2c0fa x86_64/10.2/RPMS/lib64ipsec0-devel-0.5-4.2.102mdk.x86_64.rpm 313ae7a9fd1eceb117515c61f19f0a2a x86_64/10.2/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5-4.2.102mdk.src.rpm Mandriva Linux 2006.0: a3881692a4ee81a3e4759500691ba86d 2006.0/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.i586.rpm 4523963e017054a149cc9c6c46e6fa39 2006.0/RPMS/libipsec0-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.i586.rpm 9208a98bc79efce31e8bf08c5a409431 2006.0/RPMS/libipsec0-devel-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.i586.rpm 390a8547034610a0ebd6a30f8752c36d 2006.0/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.src.rpm Mandriva Linux 2006.0/X86_64: 89c02c5eebb80544fb54cf8876183d92 x86_64/2006.0/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.x86_64.rpm 833ab780f0ef3eb86da1c2aa82746c72 x86_64/2006.0/RPMS/lib64ipsec0-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.x86_64.rpm d875aeb7f90b36eba89ff2e2b901a3cc x86_64/2006.0/RPMS/lib64ipsec0-devel-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.x86_64.rpm 390a8547034610a0ebd6a30f8752c36d x86_64/2006.0/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.5.2-5.1.20060mdk.src.rpm Multi Network Firewall 2.0: 3a441d674beb304f607975502cb2f302 mnf/2.0/RPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-0.4.M20mdk.i586.rpm 109a0184382426bd065df6000f64189d mnf/2.0/RPMS/libipsec-tools0-0.2.5-0.4.M20mdk.i586.rpm 96dacbdb35121f2f876d1bb19cb00c24 mnf/2.0/SRPMS/ipsec-tools-0.2.5-0.4.M20mdk.src.rpm _______________________________________________________________________ To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi. The verification of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you. You can obtain the GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing: gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 0x22458A98 You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at: If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact security_(at) _______________________________________________________________________ Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team <security*> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFD19iemqjQ0CJFipgRAp9rAKC7w5Jflg/c/KBy6kdNDiGF8YbgWQCeIbM4 LUncx0ejSC2hQ5/zFlDZKjg= =qhPu -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- . =========================================================== Ubuntu Security Notice USN-221-1 December 01, 2005 ipsec-tools vulnerability CVE-2005-3732 =========================================================== A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases: Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) The following packages are affected: racoon The problem can be corrected by upgrading the affected package to version 0.3.3-1ubuntu0.2 (for Ubuntu 4.10), 1:0.5-5ubuntu0.1 (for Ubuntu 5.04), or 1:0.6-1ubuntu1.1 (for Ubuntu 5.10). In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the necessary changes. When the daemon is configured to use aggressive mode, then it did not check whether the peer sent all required payloads during the IKE negotiation phase. A malicious IPsec peer could exploit this to crash the racoon daemon. Please be aware that racoon is not officially supported by Ubuntu, the package is in the 'universe' component of the archive. Updated packages for Ubuntu 4.10: Source archives: Size/MD5: 191462 3f68d0eb625f920ef3ab5e4e1a2b942f Size/MD5: 705 8c92ea1c2b68e7e335892c10020bafc2 Size/MD5: 864122 b141da8ae299c8fdc53e536f6bbc3ad0 amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon) Size/MD5: 106260 491ea714d329c5b0d6b8283c7579140f Size/MD5: 201510 7c3c1d31969a6924bfe0afbf6f56b468 i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD) Size/MD5: 101224 5e35a5bfca069cf88d0d349ad86b3cf8 Size/MD5: 186400 0627a043d0f0ad1e05830d57c35666f2 powerpc architecture (Apple Macintosh G3/G4/G5) Size/MD5: 108966 67f208c020df5f1194ab71a0569004f2 Size/MD5: 196078 2acd7c40b8a56db688fc8ac8484272da Updated packages for Ubuntu 5.04: Source archives: Size/MD5: 41200 47ee31ab5776589dd049a90f0437865b Size/MD5: 660 cad8e0faad2316aa0a65e28880548f58 Size/MD5: 883484 57de611b23eb141173698478e9b64474 amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon) Size/MD5: 80430 47b366f44e0c8fb49ea43500161a6419 Size/MD5: 301450 9fd3f818fc41641ed0e691f69b23c441 i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD) Size/MD5: 75606 390fe7eb94e2e519bef1a0df6b6d46b5 Size/MD5: 276974 baef582ea75ecaf240298d2917b79fac powerpc architecture (Apple Macintosh G3/G4/G5) Size/MD5: 83030 7880cae89438386a5b9f676760eff1be Size/MD5: 296838 f417446dce53652608242e1798663622 Updated packages for Ubuntu 5.10: Source archives: Size/MD5: 49677 79084ce144e4b54267f69876d8104387 Size/MD5: 685 c22deb12d9a0943e3a66aad1a83c3857 Size/MD5: 905983 2cd85d36012b4d2c6947f7c17ad45b3e amd64 architecture (Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon) Size/MD5: 85086 e894b1b0168138fdb46d0c55095252bf Size/MD5: 326258 1e7da4aa300a082cdf8034639de4f0a0 i386 architecture (x86 compatible Intel/AMD) Size/MD5: 78912 b46dd5373458dd5500b2513edc6ceec8 Size/MD5: 298016 5df2e64e0ac064876aa21d29c086f902 powerpc architecture (Apple Macintosh G3/G4/G5) Size/MD5: 86902 c7c905f335db1bae382af11fe659d335 Size/MD5: 319518 1a7abc7fd9645d47d045f63d9f980528
VAR-200511-0314 CVE-2005-3804 Cisco 7920 wireless IP Phone open UDP Port vulnerability CVSS V2: 6.4
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
Cisco IP Phone (VoIP) 7920 1.0(8) listens to UDP port 17185 to support a VxWorks debugger, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information and cause a denial of service. The Cisco 7920 wireless IP phone can provide Voice Over IP services over an IEEE 802.11b Wi-Fi network, which is similar to a cordless phone. 1) The SNMP service that runs on the IP phone uses fixed read-only and read-write community strings of "public" and "private", which cannot be changed by the user. This can be exploited to retrieve and modify the device configuration, including stored user data such as phone book entries by sending SNMP GetRequest or SetRequest to phone. SOLUTION: Apply firmware update. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Reported by vendor. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Cisco: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0099 CVE-2005-3715 Senao SI-680H VOIP WIFI phone VxWorks Remote debugger access vulnerability CVSS V2: 7.5
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Senao SI-680H Wireless VoIP Phone Firmware 0.03.0839 leaves the VxWorks debugger UDP port 17185 available without authentication, which allows attackers to access the phone OS, obtain sensitive information, and cause a denial of service. Senao SI-680H and SI-7800H VOIP WIFI Phone allows remote debugger connections. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow a remote attacker to obtain debugging information from the device or cause a denial of service. Senao SI-680H VOIP WIFI Phones running firmware version 0.03.0839, and Sanao SI-7800H running firmware version 0.03.0001 are prone to this issue. Other versions may also be vulnerable. Senao SI-680H is a wireless phone. SOLUTION: Restrict use to within trusted networks only. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Shawn Merdinger ORIGINAL ADVISORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0512 No CVE CNVD-2005-4020 CVSS V2: -
CVSS V3: -
Severity: MEDIUM
The Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phone is a VOIP-enabled phone system. The Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phone allows remote debugging of connections, and remote attackers can exploit the vulnerability to obtain debugging information for the device or cause a denial of service attack. The Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phone listens on UDP port 17185 for remote VxWorks debugging. The port allows remote users to collect debugging information or perform denial of service attacks
VAR-200511-0513 No CVE Hitachi WirelessIP 5000+ unauthorized access vulnerability CVSS V2: -
CVSS V3: -
Severity: -
The WirelessIP5000 developed by Hitachi Cable is an open wireless IP phone that complies with the VoIP standard communication protocol SIP.  There are multiple security vulnerabilities in WirelessIP5000, as follows:  (a) The existence of an undocumented open port TCP / 3390 in the WirelessIP5000 phone may allow remote unauthenticated attackers to access sensitive information and may cause a denial of service;  (b) A vulnerability in the WirelessIP5000 phone could allow remote attackers to change device configuration using SNMP;  (c) The default configuration of the WirelessIP5000 phone HTTP server requires no credentials to authenticate, so remote attackers can perform management functions without authentication;  (d) WirelessIP5000 phone HTTP server may leak sensitive information;  (e) There is a default management password in the WirelessIP5000 phone. An attacker who knows this password can take complete control of the device.
VAR-200511-0514 No CVE Nortel Switched Firewall IKE Communication Multiple Security Vulnerabilities CVSS V2: 7.5
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Nortel's Switched Firewall is a small, rack-mounted firewall appliance that leverages unique accelerator technology and Check Point FW-1 NG software to protect high-traffic IT data centers, service provider networks, and hosting infrastructure. Multiple Nortel Switched Firewall products have vulnerabilities in handling IPSec IKE messages, which may be exploited by remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the host or cause a denial of service. IPSec's PROTOS test component tests the design limitations of IPSec implementation by sending malformed IKE messages to the target device. If a specific malformed message is received, a vulnerable firewall may refuse the service or execute arbitrary code. Nortel Switched Firewall is prone to multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in IKEv1. Some of the issues could potentially allow for remote code execution and complete compromise of affected devices. This has not been confirmed. These issues were discovered with the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite and are related to handling of malformed IKEv1 traffic
VAR-200511-0313 CVE-2005-3803 Cisco 7920 wireless IP Fixed phone SNMP Community string vulnerability CVSS V2: 5.0
CVSS V3: 7.5
Severity: HIGH
Cisco IP Phone (VoIP) 7920 1.0(8) contains certain hard-coded ("fixed") public and private SNMP community strings that cannot be changed, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information. This could allow remote attackers to retrieve and modify the device configuration. Cisco 7920 Wireless IP Phones running firmware version 1.0(8) and earlier are vulnerable to this issue. This can be exploited to retrieve and modify the device configuration, including stored user data such as phone book entries by sending SNMP GetRequest or SetRequest to phone. 2) The IP phone listens on port 17185/udp to allow connections from the VxWorks debugger. This may be exploit to collect debugging information or to cause a DoS on the device. SOLUTION: Apply firmware update. PROVIDED AND/OR DISCOVERED BY: Reported by vendor. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Cisco: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------
VAR-200511-0016 CVE-2005-3670 Multiple vulnerabilities in Internet Key Exchange (IKE) version 1 implementations CVSS V2: 7.8
CVSS V3: -
Severity: HIGH
Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in the Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementation in HP HP-UX B.11.00, B.11.11, and B.11.23 running IPSec, HP Jetdirect 635n IPv6/IPsec Print Server, and HP Tru64 UNIX 5.1B-3 and 5.1B-2/PK4, allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service via certain IKE packets, as demonstrated by the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite for IKEv1. NOTE: due to the lack of details in the HP advisory, it is unclear which of CVE-2005-3666, CVE-2005-3667, and/or CVE-2005-3668 this issue applies to. Numerous vulnerabilities have been reported in various Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) implementations. The impacts of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial-of-service condition, or cause an IKEv1 implementation to behave in an unstable/unpredictable manner. ------------ This vulnerability information is a summary of multiple vulnerabilities released at the same time. Please note that the contents of vulnerability information other than the title are included. ------------ I SAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) Authentication, key management, and SA (security association) of 3 A collective term for multiple protocols. ISAKMP Derived from IKE Is IPSec Key exchange protocol for encrypted communication. In many environments IKEv1 Is used. IKE Communication by phase 1 And phase 2 Divided into phases 1 Then establish a secure communication path, ISAKMP SA Called IKE Exchange own messages. In multiple products ISAKMP/IKE Implementation is illegal ISAKMP Phase 1 There is a problem that causes abnormal behavior when receiving this packet because there is a flaw in the processing of the packet. IKE When a deliberately created packet is sent by a remote attacker with specific information for communication by ISAKMP Services or devices that implement the may be in a service outage.Please refer to the “Overview” for the impact of this vulnerability. HP-UX is prone to denial of service vulnerabilities. These issues are due to security flaws in HP's IPSec implementation. These vulnerabilities may be triggered by malformed IKE traffic. This issue was discovered with the PROTOS ISAKMP Test Suite and is related to the handling of malformed IKEv1 traffic. TITLE: Symantec Firewall/VPN/Gateway ISAKMP Message Processing Denial of Service SECUNIA ADVISORY ID: SA17684 VERIFY ADVISORY: CRITICAL: Moderately critical IMPACT: DoS WHERE: >From remote OPERATING SYSTEM: Symantec Gateway Security 400 Series Symantec Gateway Security 300 Series Symantec Gateway Security 3.x Symantec Gateway Security 2.x Symantec Gateway Security 1.x Symantec Firewall/VPN Appliance 100/200/200R SOFTWARE: Symantec Enterprise Firewall (SEF) 8.x DESCRIPTION: Symantec has acknowledged a vulnerability in various Symantec products, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service). For more information: SA17553 Successful exploitation causes a DoS of the dynamic VPN services. The vulnerability has been reported in the following products. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Windows): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Enterprise Firewall version 8.0 (Solaris): Apply SEF8.0-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5000 Series version 3.0: Apply SGS3.0-2005114-02. Symantec Gateway Security 5400 version 2.0.1: Apply SGS2.0.1-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5310 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5200/5300 version 1.0: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 5100: Apply SG7004-20051114-00. Symantec Gateway Security 400 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Gateway Security 300 version 2.0: Update to build 1103. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 200/200R: Update to build 1.8F. Symantec Firewall /VPN Appliance 100: Update to build 1.8F. ORIGINAL ADVISORY: Symantec: OTHER REFERENCES: SA17553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities. Subscribe: Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.) Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Secunia Security Advisories ----------------------------------------------------------------------